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The Surety Specialists

The surety specialists that put your business first

We simplify placing bonds with a personalised service and the best price on the market, every single time.

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Need to place a bond?

At Phillips Schroeder Surety, we believe placing bonds should be easy, never complicated, so we make them work for you.  We do this by giving you full transparency, personalised service and the best price on the market.

Place a bond, get peace of mind​


Full transparency

We keep you informed at every step of the way

Personalised service

A dedicated account manager for all your surety needs

Best price

We guarantee that you won’t pay over the odds for your bonds

Thinking of placing your first bond? Discover more here.

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The surety brokers that do things differently

We make meeting your bond needs quick, simple and cost-effective with guaranteed access to the best market rate  – and a dedicated account manager to handle your every query, big or small.

Some of the things we can help you with...

Performance Bonds

A bond whereby a Surety covers the losses and damages suffered by an Employer in the event of non-performance by a Contractor.

HMRC & Duty Deferment Guarantees

This allows importers the flexibility to defer payment on customs and duties - providing a cash flow advantage.

Section Agreements

Legally binding agreements for works under highway, water and planning acts in favour of local authorities or utility companies.

Advanced Payment Bonds

This bond guarantees that an advanced payment made by an Employer to a Contractor shall be used in accordance with the Contract until materials are delivered and invoiced.

Retention Bonds

Used as alternatives to retentions, a bond is provided to secure the amount that would have otherwise been retained under the Contract.

Letter of Credit Replacement Guarantees

Replacing a LOC or other bank guarantee with an insurance backed guarantee often freeing bank capacity, reducing security at a competitive price.

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About Us

We’ve been working in the surety market for over 10 years and we have poured all our expertise into creating something we could never find: a broker that adds value and puts their clients first.

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Think you are paying too much for your bonds?

You’re probably right. Discover how much you can save with us now.

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